Cover - UR
Item number: 01ur-betræk

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Protective cover for your UR robot.
Delivery: Levering 8 - 14 dage
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Item number: 01ur-betræk
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Protective cover for your UR robot.
Delivery: Levering 8 - 14 dage
Introduction to Pendant Armor®, the first shock-absorbing, chemical-resistant frame designed to protect the teachpendant from injury if you accidentally drop it.
The robot cover protects your UR robot from paint.
This way you eliminate the need for cleaning and reduce the risk of contamination to the robot.
The cover is disposable for UR3, UR5 as well as UR10.
This calculator shows the potentially dramatic impact in savings on a robot versus manual labor over the life of the project.
Takes only 1 minute to complete
Our calculator should be seen as an indication. With each installation, there may be other costs / savings that affect the repayment of the individual installation.Total system costs for new automation solution
Number of robots for new solution
Application of solution
Annual labor costs per operator, including employee benefits
Number of operators released per shift
(Note: % part that is released is entered on the next page)Percentage of workforce retained for system operation per shift:
Expected increased productivity
Other savings
Break even
Freed labor over 7 years
Productivity improvement over 7 years