COBOTS are moving into the laboratories

Sales Channel Manager Henrik Christensen Technicon (left), Sales manager René Trinderup, Mikrolab A/S and Sales Specialist Automation Brian Nyborg, Mikrolab A/S (right)
Innovative robot collaboration streamlines and improves the working environment of laboratories
A considerable part of the sampling and analysis work in the laboratories of Denmark is done manually, and it is ergonomically taxing. A new collaboration will change that.
Modular solution – easy to build on
The desire to improve the laboratories’ physical working environment is the primary reason for the sensational collaboration that the two Danish companies – respectively Mikrolab Aarhus A/S and the robot company Technicon ApS – are now starting.
The collaboration will strengthen the degree of automation in laboratories. In addition to reducing back-breaking work and streamlining the processes, the goal is to ensure greater uniformity. An additional benefit of cobots is that they make it possible to meet growing traceability requirements.
Mikrolab Aarhus is a leading supplier of laboratory equipment. Over decades, the company has built up an expertise in every kind of laboratory equipment – from basic equipment to customer-specified equipment.
Mikrolab Aarhus supplies equipment to companies in various industries, including the chemical, oil, food, and beverage, environmental, pharma and life science industries.
Technicon is a nationwide distributor of some of the world’s best robot brands. The common denominator is the flexibility, user-friendliness and high degree of security that characterizes the entire Technicon range.
To this must be added a central quality of the automation equipment; All solutions are modular. In other words, if a company wants to get started with automation, you don’t have to start from scratch and spend a lot of money on development. You can get started right away because the modules have been tested and enable rapid scaling

En af de modulbaserede UR-cobotløsninger, som Technicon og Mikrolab samarbejder om for at forbedre arbejdsmiljøet på landets laboratorier.
Fleksibel og kompakt
Samarbejdet er bygget op om fem kompakte standardmodul-løsninger. Et modulbord med dimensionerne 851 mm (h), 400 (b) og 800 (l) udgør basis. Det er på hjul med tilhørende bremser og kan dermed nemt og enkelt flyttes rundt og udføre varierende opgaver. Oven på det enkelte modulbord er monteret en driftsikker robotarm fra Universal Robot – en såkaldt UR3e cobot.
I modsætning til konventionelle robotter er cobots udviklet til at arbejde i tæt samspil med medarbejdere. Cobots standser øjeblikkeligt de møder modstand, og derfor er sikkerhedsafskærmning ikke nødvendig.
Den intuitive brugerflade og de mange applikationer – gribere – giver en bred vifte af opgaver som modulerne kan løse.
- Ved at vi nu går sammen om at tilbyde landets laboratorier cobotsmoduler, der let og enkelt kan assistere og overtage store dele af det ensformige arbejde begrænses risikoen for menneskelige fejl. Uanset hvor dygtige mennesker er: når to ansatte udfører samme opgave, øges risikoen for fejl – ikke mindst i en spidsbelastningsperiode, siger René Trinderup, Sales Manager Mikrolab, der ser frem til at rulle samarbejdet ud.
For yderligere oplysninger kontakt
- Sales Channel Manager Henrik Christensen, Technicon ApS, hch@technicon.dk, Tlf. 4280 4455
- Salgsspecialist Automatisering Brian Nyborg, Mikrolab A/S, bn@mikrolab.dk, Tlf. 2366 6330