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Aarhus Maskinmesterskole

Aarhus Maskinmesterskole

Aarhus Maskinmesterskole

Robot equipment for Danish students

To make the teaching as relevant and exciting as possible, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole wants to strengthen the students’ insight into the latest in user-friendly robot technology.

The ambition means that Technicon has been tasked with delivering and installing six Technicon Module Desks by 2020.

The automation solution will primarily be used by automation technology and mechanical engineering students, who will try their hand at the equipment in connection with the teaching.

Readiness for change and efficiency

Technicon Module Desks are easy to install and adjust, and the high flexibility and stability means that Technicon Module Desks can both individually and jointly efficiently perform many varying production and assembly tasks.


The concrete and realistic teaching makes the students familiar with collaborative robots. The students both learn about the latest in advanced robot technology and at the same time gain a better understanding of the conditions and conditions of industrial companies.

Through programming and simulation of production processes, students gain a first-hand insight into how flexible automation can solve current and future production and innovation challenges in the manufacturing industry.


You can read the whole case HERE

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UR-Cobot takes over – Safe handling


Novo Nordisk



ROI Calculator

This calculator shows the potentially dramatic impact in savings on a robot versus manual labor over the life of the project.

  • 1. System costs
  • 2. Current costs
  • 3. Other savings
  • 4. Result

Takes only 1 minute to complete

Our calculator should be seen as an indication. With each installation, there may be other costs / savings that affect the repayment of the individual installation.

Step 1: System costs

Total system costs for new automation solution

Average production employees DKK 420,000/year/shift

Number of robots for new solution

Step 2: Current costs

Application of solution

Shifts per day
Days per week
Weeks per year
Average electricity costs for robots are around DKK 0.5 per hour.

Annual labor costs per operator, including employee benefits

Number of operators released per shift

(Note: % part that is released is entered on the next page)

Step 3: Other savings

Percentage of workforce retained for system operation per shift:


Expected increased productivity


Other savings

Result: This is your result!





Break even


Freed labor over 7 years


Productivity improvement over 7 years

All figures below are shown in Danish kroner (DKK)



System cost

Maintenance costs

Operating costs

Freed up labor

Productivity increase

Other savings

Average annual savings

Savings throughout the period

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