Universal Robots appoints i2r A/S as a certified integrator in Denmark
Press release, Odense, 6 May 2021
This year the automation company i2r A/S from Søborg can celebrate its 20th anniversary, and already on 1 May the Zealand automation house had reason to celebrate a great recognition: Universal Robots has just appointed i2r as CSI – Certified System Integrator in Denmark.
Since 2001, i2r has been among the leading automation houses in Zealand. The background for the appointment is the broad automation experience with in-depth knowledge of data integration as well as the expertise in the integration of UR cobots. i2r is successful with the concept from idea to possible robot project, based on standard robot equipment, with solutions adapted to the needs, in close cooperation with the customer.
Director and project manager of i2r Ib Laugesen, who in 1998 graduated as a civil engineer in robotics at DTU, is delighted with the recognition. Ib Laugesen points out that i2r is an independent technology partner for Eastern Danish industrial companies that want to convert technological possibilities into concrete solutions:
– Robot technology is no longer reserved for the few. Robots today have become much easier to integrate, and the tasks they can perform are now more diverse than ever because of plug-and-play standardization. The development within robot technology is going fast, and this makes the demands on our knowledge more stringent. As an integrator, we strive to be completely up to date so that we can advise customers in the best possible way. It’s about us being able to handle complicated production challenges with easy robotic solutions.
i2r’s staff are highly trained professionals with business understanding and industry experience. The employees are primarily engineers with a background in automation and IT, machinery, chemistry, and production. Therefore, the company is today specialists in the development of automation projects for a wide range of industrial companies in Zealand. i2r has a broad industry focus, and Ib Laugesen sees the certification as a quality stamp that opens new strategic opportunities for i2r:
– We have a clear ambition to integrate more robots to in Eastern Danish industrial companies. I am delighted with the recognition that i2r has now been named Universal Robots CSI. In practice, this means that we can more easily and quickly draw on a broad professional sparring about the latest within flexible production technology, which is Universal Robot’s hallmark.